Monday, March 19, 2012

it's a hot one

Sunday 3-18-12

I slept in to day till 9 a.m. i can't remember the last time that happened! Not that i am complaining, just shocked! the plan was to get out the door at 8 this morning to beat the heat, well obviously that didn't happen. I didn't get out the door till about 11:30. So i was running at the hottest part of the day, which i don't mind. my body however is not accustomed to the hot yet. I ran a new loop today and it measured out to be 21.07 miles. I only needed to run 20, but i was going to run the whole thing if my body would let me. I ran with the wind the first 10 or so and I was trying to conserve water, about half way into the run i came into a town and i planned to stop to refill my water, but i still was using it sparingly. big mistake. so i stopped redid my  hair and filled my water bottles and got back to it. now i was into the wind and clearly going to need more water. there were a few clouds int the sky but not many and i really knew that i wouldn't have another chance to stop to refill, so i tried really hard to take sips instead of gulps. twice though the water went down the wrong way and i choked.
the heat was starting to get to me, and i had about a mile left to get to the 20 miles. i trudged along and got a bit past the 20 miles and stopped at the cvs. grabbed a water and man did that ice cold water taste good!
i did learn that you shouldn't forget deodorant on a long run, especially if you have just shaved your armpits. talk about chaffing! i did remember the body glide on my legs though, that's what i was worried about. i will not make that mistake again! I walked the last .5 miles home shaking out my legs, trying to cool down my body. did some stretches and hopped into the ice bath, and it felt good. i was drinking so much water trying to fend off any heat exhaustion that was about to hit. slowly i felt better and was able to stand long enough to take a real shower.
I managed top get a sweet sunburn on my shoulders, back, and chest. i took my shirt off around mile 3 and ran in just my sports bra. my poor skin that has been shielded all winter is now mad at me! my face was saved with the sunscreen and visor!
newer pink shoes are all broken in and wore them for the long run, saving the yellow ones for races. nf shorts and nf sports bra(stow and go) and nf tech t. fuel belt and visor for my accessories.

20.28 miles in 3:06:02.  my splits were faster than i thought.
212:45.9 0  .28 0     

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